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Cruise January, 2006 - I, Mark Cruise, will be sailing to on Royal Caribbean yacht in the month of January, 2006. I am looking forward to it. I bought the cruise from this site, The Cruise Lime. They were really helpful, really good, and I loved their Google Maps API.

I don't know what you users think about cruises, but I think they're pretty slick-50. I know a few people who cruise a lot, and they're all really chill people. I'd like to be a chill person, I'd give a lot for that. Especially in January.

Once upon a time in the land of Nore, I met a young chap by the name of Potempkin. He was a practitinoer of alternative medicines. When I told him of a cronic pain I had in my left shoulder, he diagnosed that my body lacked elemental air. He showed me several exercises I could do to increase the amount of air in my body, and recommended that I start eating citrus fruits (because they grow high, and are rich in air).

My favorite citrus fruit is the lime. Especially in alcholic beverages while on Cruises leaving from Pacific USA.

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